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Vicar Anthony’s First

Age when it happend: 22
Where it happened: Church Office
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

This may seem kind of unbelievable, but it is true.

My parents had become members of this Lutheran Church when I was in college, but beause I had been away at school, I had not yet become a member.

When I finished my Senior year and graduated, I decided that I would also take instructions and become a member of this same church. During college I had had a lot of experience with guys, which I had enjoyed, including jerking them off and twice having sex with guys in my class including one guy who was on the football team who was a real hunk.

When I started the instruction classes at the church, the older Pastor taught the course, but then every other week he began to have the young vicar teach our class.

Now vicars in the Lutheran church have to have a college degree, preferably from a Lutheran college, and then they have to take three years of Seminary study before being ordained. During their second year,they do a vicarage at a local congregation, which is sort of “on the job training” to be a pastor, before returning to Seminary for their final year of studies.Most if not all of them are very serious students, and I doubt very much that any of them have ever had sex before in their lives. They are very similar to priests in the Catholic church, and although they can marry, they are pretty much celibate during the time that they are studying. At least that’s what I have always assumed.

Anyway, the first time VIcar Anthony taught our instructionclass, I was really taken aback, because he was positively the most handsome guy I have ever seen in my life.He was tall, just under 6 feet, very slender, jet black hair, brown eyes, and a very nice smile. I sat through three sessions with him, with several other people taking the same class, but couldn’t really concentrate on what he was saying, because I kept wondering what it would be like to have a future pastor as a lover.

One Wednesday night I came to class, just dressed in tight slacks and a low-cut blouse that revealed my cleavage pretty well. I had a great body and bust and didn’t mind showing it off. The class lasted a little over an hour, and that night, I sort of lingered behind aftefr the others had left,and started asking him a lot of questions concerning what had been covered that evening. We walked from our instruction room in the church to his office, and he was explaining things to me in more detail, as we entered his office. We then sat down and conversed some more, but then I began asking him more questions about Lutheran teaching about sex. He explained that sex outside of marriage was absolutely forbidden, or at least frowned upon, but that although it was a sin, it could be forgiven.
Becoming bolder, I asked him if, during college or seminary, he had ever had sex and had to be forgiven, and he told me absolutely not. He told me that someday he might like to be married, but right now he was concentrating on his studies and hoping to finish his final year at Seminary.

I could tell, however, that the way I was dressed, had even gotten to him, because I detected a slight bulge in his pants. There was no one else in the church building that evening, and finally he said, it was time for him to get home, and he thought I should be heading home too.

I knew it was wrong, but just as he turned out the light switch in his office, to leave, I went up to him and put my arms around him and pressded my pelvis into his, real hard. and tried to kiss him on the mouth. He sort of pushed me away, and said, “Cathy, this is very wrong. You should know that.” But, I kept pushing myself into his body, and then did kiss him on the lips, pushing mytogue into his mouth, repeatedly, and whispered to him, “No, Tony, this is not wrong. At least I don’t feel it is wrong.
I want you!” And with that, I unzipped his pants, and held his now stiff penis in my hand, with only his jockey shorts separating my hand from his shaft. I slid my hand up and down his shaft through his shorts, and within a few seconds, i could feel him jerk rapidly, and he creamed his pants with rapid spurts of sperm. It soaked through his shorts and onto my hand.

With his sperm all over my hand, I began rubbing it into both my hands like hand lotion, and telling him it smelled so good.

He apologized, and again, said, “Cathy this is very wrong. We just can’t do this.”

I told him that I thought God had given us sex to enjoy and asked him if what had happened did not feel good, and whether he had enjoyed it. He agreed that he had enjoyed it, and that God had given us sex to enjoy, but within the realm of marriage.

Well, his jockey shorts were full of sperm that night, and he quickly zipped up his pants, and told me again that this was wrong, and I really should not have tempted him in this way. We both went home that night, unsatisfied, except that he had “come” very rapidly in my hand — and I wondered to myself what he had been doing all these years to satisfy what must be obvious urges to ejaculate. Did he ever masturbate? Had he ever in his life been with a girl and petted or had any kind of sexual experience? I didn’t ask him these questions, but I sure was curious.

The instruction course lasted for ten weeks. The next one was taught by the Pastor again, but the following week, vicar Anthony was there again, teaching us. Once again, I stayed behind after the others had left.He was obviously nervous, when I said I had further questions to ask him, but he didn’t tell me to leave, nor did he mention anything about what had happened two weeks before. That night, when we were in his office,I stayed for nearly an hour.I asked him some very pointed questions about whether Jesus had ever had sex, because there was nothing in the Bible about that, and he really had no answers to my questions about that, but said that I should get some counseling, because I seemed to be obsessed with the topic of sex. I asked him why he couldn’t counsel me, and he told me he was not prepared to do so.

Finally, he said he had to get home, and so we walked from his office to the front door of the church. As he was about to open it, once again I pressed against him, sort of puinning him against the door, and I began to whisper in his ear, “Tony. please take me, I want you so badly. I know you’ve never had a woman before, but I want to make you feel complete, and I’d like to be your first.” I kissed him hard on the mouth, and once again, went for his pelic area and unzipped his pants, taking his manhood in my hand. Once again his jockey shorts sprang to life, andso I managed to push them down and grabbed his penis hard in my hand and began jerking him off. This time, he just stoodthere and I lowered my lips to the tip of his penis and begabn to kiss and swirl the tip of it inside my mouth. He quickly ejaculated two or three times. He simply could not help himself, and I swallowed all of his sperm.Then I kissed him hard on the mouth again, and let some of his own cum go into his mouth so he could taste it. He hugged me closer and kissed me back.

He was very excited now, and so we went back to the church lounge, where we both took off all of our clothes, in the dark, and he laid me gently on the leather couch there, and before long he was fucking me like it was something he had been doing all his life. He had a very long penis, which fit me just right and it was as if years of celibacy were spurting forth into my body. He kept saying, “Oh Cathy this is so great. I’ve never done anything like this in my life, and it probably is wrong, but I just can’t help myself. You feel so good — so very, very good.”

I told him, “Tony, let it all go, let it all go. I am on the pill, and you don’t have to worry. Please fuck me as long as you want to.” We were there until after midnight. He had several great orgasms and so did I. As I said, I had had sex with at least two other guys before, but this was absolutely the greatest sex I had ever had, by a guy who had never done it before.

Well, Vicar Tony and I did not have sex again while he was at our church. The Pastor and he confirmed me in a public ceremony with 8 others, and to my knowledge no one ever knew what happened that night. He is back for his final year of Seminary study, now, and several more months from now will be ordained. We do keep in touch by Email and telephone, however, and twice I have given him phone sex, with him in his seminary room, jerking off, while I whisper into the phone. He keeps saying that we shouldn’t be doing this, but since he has had sex with me once, and I have promised that I would wait for him, he seems to think it maybe isn’t so bad. It’s sort of like we’re engaged, or promised to each other.

I know I will marry Vicar Anthony in the future and so I have not had sex with anyone else since. When I do get horny, I give him a call, and the sound of his voice is enough to give me an orgasm and satisfy me for awhile.

My parents don’t know that all of this is going on. At the right moment I will tell them, and will they be surprised.
I probably won’t be the ideal pastor’s wife, but I do know that I want Tony and that thus far he has been the very best fuck I have had in my 22 years.

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