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vice grip

Age when it happend: 21
Where it happened: Paris
Sex: Male
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

I fucked this virgin in paris and no kidding she had a vice.
I was on bottom and she didnt have the ability to pop her self sitting on me. so I got on top pulled out my special easy blow out condom in front of her to stop her freting. Well before I got in an half inch the condom was blown out and rolled back on my shaft When I ran in to her cherry wall she clamped down on me like a vise and cried and cried I slapped her and her pussy relaxed and I popped her and pumped and blew my load in 20 seconds. Round two I jumped her and she clamped me hard when I was in deep It really hurt she held my hands so I could not hit her she was having spazisms and I was crushed I almost passed out before she relaxed. then she fucked my dick off. It was good. the vice was bad. One week later I went to her place and she fucked me twice and told be good or she will crush my dick . she has been practicing her squeese and now its is even stronger. really I said put three fingers in here and I did wow it hurt. imagine a sensitive dick. My friend Billy kept looking at her and I said you want to fuck the vice. if she is willing I’ll bet you fifty dollars you cant penetrate. No way he said, I bet you three hundred dollars she can hold you cock for 30 seconds and you cant pull out. Your on he said . Bring the money I’ll go ask her.
Well I like Billy and he is so cocky I dont want to hurt his feelings. Let me ask him. and she did in private. Now I get 200 dollars of the money and I’m shy so I’ll keep a big T shirt on. What said Billy I am paying to see you naked and fuck you. No your paying to get your dick in a vice she said. No slippery rubbers I’m grabbing your cock hard. We both put our 350 dollars on the table and my girl walked up to Billy and lifted her T shirt here are are my tittys Billy feel me up. and he did in nice way. She pulled back the blankets and sat down and spread her legs . Drop your drawers and penetrate this pussy. She put her finger in and said this is the spot aim here and we all chuckled. Well Billy was normal and 6 inches like most non liars. and he knelt and rubbed up and down on her pussy for ten or 15 seconds ok any time your ready. He started to put a finger in wait no fingers I said Let Billy put one in my girl said oh thats good and he pushed his Penis but the door to my girls pussy was closed. He tried a few angles and then his finger and couldn’t get it in. Want to keep trying she said yes so for 5 minutes he beat his penis against her shut pussy. I’m letting him in honey she said and Billy fell in and she said you penis turns to your right my left thats kind a nice. Just hold him dear I said. No this is different I like it. Pump a little Billy Oh yea that is different never knew I had an spot there feels good. Ready Billy no hard feeling OK ! Billy pumped deep and wham she had him and put her hands behind her head her legs were wide and the vice was on Billy and she counted really really slow 1 2 3 4 5 6 I give ahhhhhhhh uncle ahhhhhhh Sh_t f_ck Billy cursed and cursed his hands were pushing on the bed he was in real pain and started to cry like a baby Oh please let me go she did after counting to twenty five . Oh you mashed it he rolled to his back and held his hurting dick ever so gently and walked to his house with out putting his pants on crying. I’ll do what ever don’t crush my dick I said. Make love to me good, then and try to get that spot that Billy found over here. Two times I made her mad and she crushed me just enough to let me know who is boss in bed. Then she found out I was buying blow out condoms and later fertility foam and she got real mad of course our fourth child was on the way. You would think she would of known dripping cum in the morning any way she is going for an IUD when this kid says hello. Do you think I can sneek it out when she is a sleep.

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