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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: bombay india
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

Well i used to go the college avryday by a bus- alocal bus . since i used to keep the same time everyday more or less the other commuters in the bus wer alos fixed . there was this lady – quite beautiful who used to occupy the second seat always -guess she used to board the bus from the stsrting point . . i was very innocent that time . however whenever i used to see her i use to get this strange feeling . she alwys used to give me very strange look . i knew she was marrie d must be 32 or 33 yeras . she has good breasts – cud see it and a very good navel. i was dying for achance to sit nest to her in the bus. but the never got an opprtunity . one day i nmade up my mind na dwnet and stood at the front . very near to her. she looked at me and i quivered . luckily the guy sitting next to her got off . she immediately made room for me to sit . it was heaven . i sat very close to her . her bode touching mine . i got closer . she did not say anything . infcat i think she had taken a fnacy fro me too . she made room for me to able to feel her breast from the side .

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience