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Waited until sixteen

Age when it happend: Sixteen
Where it happened: My home in Ashville
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My first sexual experience was with with another girl when I was thirteen. I let her touch me and I touched her. I felt guilty and confessed to my mother. It was another year before my boyfriend was watching my skirt fly up as I was swinging on a big tree swing that he decided it was my time to be serious about our relationship. We made vows and even though I was but fourteen I never went back on them. The day I turned sixteen we walked to the courthouse and I signed a wedding license and his brother drove from Detroit and did the ceremony on the porch of the old rustic dumpy house we purchased. He picked me up and he crossed the threshold we prayed the floor would hold up. My husband was a twenty year old hillbilly redneck who was a hard worker with the biggest heart in the world. We were in love and had saved up for this moment. He had never kissed a girl and I had only stolen one from him on the night we made vows. He was afraid he couldn’t stop if he got started and I respected his wishes and never tempted him. The bed and bedroom were ready with a handmade quilt and bright curtains. The electricity would not be run to the house for another week but we had oil lamps for the evening. Our first embrace fully clothed may have been the most tender kiss he ever gave me. He was brave and scared at the same time. He did not know what to do with me. He towered over me and I took his large calloused hand and placed it on my cheek. He had the strength of a yoked oxen but in my life he never used it on me. I wore my mothers wedding dress that had thirty dainty buttons up the back. It was a slow process for my mans large fingers to get the loop over each one but he did and I never asked him to do it agin. We sat on the bed and wearing my slip and brazier I explained exactly everything female hidden from his eyes. In detail I explained how I worked and what would be nice . I explained I wanted his calloused washed farmers fingers on my breast and koochie  getting my feminine fires to full flame before we started intercourse. I explained it was our first time and not to expect perfection. I also explained my virginity and how blood tears and pain was par for the course and no matter what I say as he penetrated me the first time I would give apology for in a minute later. My things came off first and I was surprised how sensitive my breast were and how well my body liked and responded in lubricant at his touch on my breast. I think as pleased as he was at the look of my breast he was less impressed with the lower half being less pretty . I had to take his hand and put it  down there. I spent considerable time shaving earlier . I think a large dark bush would of made things worse. When I pulled the pants down on my giant man I was looking at my first uncircumcised penis, my brothers and other penises I had seen were cut. His penis head was not exposed even when fully erect. Which did surprise me. It was only after 6 months of solid loving and me pulling down on his skin did his skin finally roll back on his shaft. For me the feeling of the ridge on his penis head made more friction for better sex. His first time in I cried out but there was no blood and it was over before it started and he was totally soft I swear in two seconds. I felt my cry made him shrink like a turtle pulling in his head. He was in a state of panic and stayed small for most of an hour. I hate blow jobs to this day ,mostly because my brother would make me suck him dry , but for my immediate situation I worked hard sucking on him and that’s what got him up. His second time in he must of swelled bigger as it really hurt and I was so tight. I cursed the only time he ever heard me. I cried for a minute but the pain subsided and the pleasure came and it has been good ever since.   I was wanting to avoid pregnancy my first year and by the grace from above it was almost two years before I conceived . We never used birth control , had five kids in a row and nothing else happened since. I hope you like story.

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