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Walking The Dog with Kathy

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Kathy's House
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

For a year or more now, one of my jobs has been to walk the family dog each morning around our neighborhood.

Frequently I would run into this very cute gal, probably in her twenties, walking her dog. When we passed, we always said Hi, and sometimes she’d tag along beside me with her dog. She was very pretty and very friendly.

I never really knew where she lived in the neighborhood, but about 2 months ago, as we were walking down this one street about 4 blocks from my house, she turned into this driveway, and asked me if I’d like to come in for some hot chocolate. It was quite cold out, so I said yes.

As we sat in the kitchen, the dogs wandered around the house. She made the hot chocolate and brought out some cookies she’d made and we got to talking about different things. I found out she was 25. She had married early and had been divorced 2 years ago. Things had not turned out well with her marriage, she said, and she found out her husband was cheating on her.

One thing led to another and she asked me about my love life and girl friends, and then, out of the blue she said, “Do you like to fuck?” I was completely surprised, but told her that while I had fooled around with girls, I’d never had sex with anyone.

Well, one thing led to another, and before I knew it, we both had our clothes off, and we were buck naked in her bed, and her beautiful body was on top of me, showing me some of the best sex I’ve ever had. She told me she had not had any sex since her divorce and really missed it, and you could tell how she loved it by the enthusiasm she put into it. I had masturbated a lot before this, but this experience was incredible. And the best part was — she was on the pill, and told me I didn’t need to worry about getting her pregnant.

Well, we fucked (or should I say, she fucked me) for over an hour that morning. Since then, I have been fucking her regularly every time we run into each other, walking the dogs. She probably could have someone a lot older than I am, but she seems to like what I have to give her, and I love keeping her happy.

She is an absolute doll, and in bed, she’s the best!!!

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience