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wasnt exactly rape

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: the back off his truck
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was staying at a friends house. she had been dateing this guy for almost a year. every saturday she would sneek out her house and go do her thing with him.Just so happenes i was staying at her house that saturday. She had asked me to come with her cause he was gunna be with a friend and she didnt want to go alone and in the cityi live in two guys one girl …not good. so i went with her. they were drinking and offered me one but i refused…i waasnt feelin so good so when my friend an her man got out the car to go to the other truck. i got in the back seat layedd down and went to sleep. not long afther that i felt a cold hand rubbing my back when i turned he was siting over me and began too kiss me at first i did not push away but when he tried to unbutton my pants. i bacame frightful and pushed away. he held me and said please just let me do this i need to do this. i told him no and kept tryin to get away. but when i relized i wasnt gettin no were. i stoped and just let him i dint want to make my situation any worse then it already was. so he began to trust him self in and out of me. so much pain i tears streamed down my face as i grasped for air but about 5 mins later the pain went away and i began to have this pleasure that was so good but at the same time hatted so bad i asked to him to stop but he kept tellin me to wait he would be done any mintue. then his cell phone ran and i was saved he got off me to answer it and i quickly grabed my panties and pants and put them on he just turned and lookedat me then got out the car. on the way home i was silent. then he did the worst thing ever and spreaded rumors. when i told every body what had happened few ppl belived me. there were rumors that i got drunk and let him or i got high and let him. the good thing is in my city things die off and ppl forget…….IF ONLY I COULD FORGET;(

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