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wham bam…. can we do it again?

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: my room
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well, we’ve been dating for almost a year at that time (yes, strated pretty early, at 14), and oen day she came over to “do some research on the net” as her computer was broken at the time. We did not plan anything that day, for my parents, as quiet and uninformative as they were about sex, did not liek the idea of leaving us alone (knowing that we were at the age of experimentation) and were home.

amazingly, when she got to my house, my folks decided to split, and so me and my girl found ourselves completely alone in my bedroom. Knowing that this may very well be the only opportunity to be alone for a while, we didn’t think twice about it. she got on the bed, with her legs hanging down. I got on my knees and pulled her jeans and panties off. We were too curious and excited to make out, so we jumped straight into exploring our sexuality. I pleased her orally, and when i was done, she returned the favor. I asked her if she was ready, and when she said “what do you think” with a playful grin on her face, i reached into my drawer, and from underneath 5 pounds of commic books i pulled out a condom that i’ve been saving for over a month.

when we started going at it, i had a hard time finding her spot…. i tried to make it look liek i was in control, but she just smiled and took my love sword in her hand and guided it in.

it hurt her, for she said “ow, it hurts.” and when i asked her “do u want me to stop,” and pulled it out, she said “no, what are you doing! put it back in!” so, i sliped it back in, and kept going.

I must say, because i was wearing a condom, i remember thiking “that’s it?? THIS is what all the fuss is about?” I was not impressed with the feelign of sex, as i imagined it to be much more intense and pleasureful. Despite that, i blew my biscuits within about 45 seconds of penetration inside of her.

when it was all done, we went downstairs to watch tv.. but neither of us knew what the hell we were watching… we just looked at each other and smiled. then i had a crazy idea to do it again, and she said, “took u a while!” and we ran upstairs to do it again! this time we pleased each other in a 69, and had sex again. this time i lasted for about 2 minutes b4 i let the hounds loose.

We ended up dating for 5 years, and then broke up… it was a nasty break up, but we are now good friends with lots of fond memories. I do not regret sharing my first time with Lindsey.

P.s. when i said i was disappointed with sex the first time, i meant just that: i was disappointed the first time. when we both gained some experience inthe field it became the best and most entertaining activity for us both! we shared moments in many “interesting” places, including a friend’s house with his entire family home, as well as the basement of a church.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience