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What a great night. ;)

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: my house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well my and my boyfriend had been going out for about 4 months, and we would always talk about having sex. It was kind of uncomfortable to me since I was really prude. But he broke me out of the prude stage. So anyways one night after a baseball game, I went back to my dad’s house. And my boyfriend came over around 12ish I think? Well anyway we went up stairs and made out, he fingered me and ya. Then he started to take off my pants and I let him. Then he got my shirt off (but I kept my bra on) and we prolly went at it for about 30 minutes. It felt really good. Thn after that he had to leave and we made out again and then he left. We are still going out today and we have had it another time since then. Don’t worry we used protection! I’m not getting pregnate at such a young age!

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