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what a nice walk wid kris!!

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: in the park
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

me and my ex had stayed good m8s sinse we had split up we had just gone shopping together he was helping me pick out some clothes for a date with this bloke i had met……. on the bus going home he offered to walk me home because i had to walk through this creepy park were all the tramps go at nite. as we walked we were talking about oldtimes and then suddenly he came out with it that he was in love with me but he was to scared to say so when we were going out, then before i knew it he was kissing me i didnt back off i was just thinking wye arnt i stopping this ? but then i realised i still had fellings for him.
we agreed to go out in the park the nxt day.
i still went on my date but all i could think about was kris what he was like and wye i liked him so much. when the date was over i made a fast exit and went straight to bed ….i got up really early the next day ready to go meet kris, i got dressed in my new top, skirt and underware i just put on my shoes and grabbed my coat and ran out the door. and their he was waiting at the entrance to the park for me ….we walked and we talked just like we normally would as we walked he took my hand and he kissed me and said how much he had missed me and wanted to make things more speacial for me……he led me past some trees ….were he had set up a gazebo he had set up a romantic lunch after lunch …..i said to him follow me as i led him away he asked me where we were going i grabed a blanket and led him to a group of bushes with a small opening in them. i layed the blanket down and sat down with him and started to kiss him i took his hand and put it down my top, the next thing i was sitting there with no top on i unzipped his trousers and layed down he rolled up my skirt and took ,my thong of while took my bra off after that i undressed him he lay on top of me and rubed himself against my skin, and started thrusting his knob into me i lay their just thinking about us…..leting off noises we snogged and kissed and touched each other all over their were no limits!!! after around an hour we stoped and just looked in each others eyes then i climed on top of him and gave him head ,then we rolled around when he was on top of me we started shagging again we were there for hours curled up in the blanket touching and kissing the exitement just rushed through us after we couldnt stop grinning! we got dressed went back to the gezebo packed up and went to his house no one was home so we went to his bedroom and just done it two more times! it was really exiting the buzz was running high when we met up the nxt day in the park where we had sex first and we beginning again when he stoped me and pulled a ring out his pocket and asked me to marry him…… i sed i would think about it …..and after we had sex i sed yes…..and then a week later we moved into gether unlimited sex thats what i call class!!!

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