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what the hell

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: her house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My first time I was with my girlfriend over at her house. I was 15 at the time and she was about to be 15. Well, we were making out and me, being the horny little bastard I was at the time, said “hey let’s fuck.” She agreed, so we locked her door because her stepmom was in the next room. She started kissing down my body and started sucking my dick. I TRIED to go down on her to repay the favour, but this girl stank like something awful. I gagged and put 3 tic tacs in my mouth when she wasn’t looking. I felt bad, but shit girls, WASH DOWN THERE! Now, I don’t have problems going down, in fact I rather enjoy it. But anyway on with the story, I finally started fucking her and we went at it for about 3 hrs and I didn’t even get off by her. It sucked, she just laid there like a log, didn’t make any noises or anything to let me know I was pleasing her. So I hated my first time. And YES I went that long my first time. Not some damn 30secs. (I jerked off a hell of alot from about 12-15 so I had endurance like a machine.) But anyway I ended up busting a nut on her carpet and then left. Needless to say for some odd reason I stayed with this poor girl for about a year even though I wasn’t happy with her and I didn’t love her. Yes I know this makes me sound like an asshole and frankly at the time, I was one. I am completely different now, more experienced and love sex. But unfortunately my first time just sucked. And that’s my story.

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