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Why did he?

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: woods
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was dating this guy and we had been dating for a long time. I knew he wanted to have sex with me but I did’t want to because it seemed like it would hurt.Then one day his car stopped working and he started to get really close to me. I said no but he started to get forcefull. I opened the car door and ran out. When he caught up with me he took my wrists and put them behind my back and he bent me over.He said he was doing it because he loved me. He was going so fast to get my clothes off that he didn’t even take my skirt off. I broke lose and fell on the ground. He got on top of me to hold me down and he started yelling at me saying that I deserved it for being bad.I was so petite back then and he was so strong that I knew I wouldn’t be able to get out of this. He looked into my eyes and started crying and saying,”May, why can’t you just let it be. Stop fighting it. I am going to have sex with you right now. It can be forcefull or it can be consensual.” I could feel the bulge in his pants. I started to cry and moan at the same time. I knew nobody would come for me because even though there was a highway we were in the woods in a ditch. I said okay and stopped fighting but I felt terrible. He spread my legs and unzipped his pants. He leaned me on a tree and took his penis out and started to rub it against my pussy. He rubbed it around and around and I said,”Please,Brad,You don’t have this. Please don’t do this.” I tried to close my legs over and over again but then he got out a knife and got me up. He backed me into a big tree. He put the knife next to my neck and he put legs around him. He looked deeply into my eyes and and looked down at his penis and said,”This is going to hurt me more than it’s going to hurt you…..” Then he started to insert the penis in my pussy and talked to me during the whole time. I even remember what he said as he went forward and backward. ” You remember when I first asked you out. I’m going to be honest. You were hot and all I wanted to do was fuck you. You know the pictures I take of you lying down. Well I blow them up and I cut holes in your mouth and your ass and sometimes your pussy living my fantasies.” Every other word he said he got faster. He started to cut me with the knife. He took the penis out of me and said for me to stay there. He layed down on the ground and dragged me on him. I was crying and he did’t care. He bounced me up and down on him. I started to yell saying stuff like help and somebody help me he is raping me. He pushed me off of him and dragged me by the hair to his car. H egot me in the back storage place and went to the front. He came back with duct tape and rope. He tied my arms behind my back and tied one of my feet to one side of the place and the other on the other side so my legs were spread apart.The he got the duct tape and taped my mouth shut. Then he turned out the light and fucked me really fast. An hour later he stopped and turned the light back on. He slapped me in the face. And punched me in the stomach. He threw my clothes at me untied and untaped me and said,”Get dressed,whore,I’m taking you home. If you tell anybody about this I will take the same hand that just punched and I will fist-fuck you and puch you around and then I will strangle and I will throw your body in the farthest away lake frome here. You got that ,bitch.”
I nodded and got my clothes on fast. He looked at me during the whole time I was putting my clothes on. When I was finished he grabbed me by the hair again and threw me in the front seat. When we got at my house he romantically kissed me and then puched me really hard in the stomach and told me I didn’t deserve a kiss without a punch. He threw me out of his car. I knew nobody would ever beleive me so this is the first time I have told anybody.We still date and I try not to get him mad cause whenever I do he punches me rapes me and tries to strangle me but then for some reason he stops.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience