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Wifes first bisexual threesome

Age when it happend: 34
Where it happened: Hot tub
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

We have always been a very open and explorative couple sexually. However our relationship has remained monogomus. We have both had fantisys about sharing our beds with other people, but they have been just that, fantasys. My wife made it very clear that she would not like to make it a reality. So what happened next came to a shock to all of us.

It started when we and a group of friends went dancing at a local night club. The lezbian kissing contest came on and all the girls in the group laghued and thought how fun to play with the guys like that. So, off they went to try their luck and win a free round of drinks. My wife was paried up with a beautiful friend of ours who just recienlty became single. After the girls in our party won their just rewards for locking lips and playing with each others tounges. We went home for the evening, while droping off our friend my wife went in to use the bathroom. As she was leaving she gave our friend a good by kiss, however this ws like no other kiss she has ever given her friends. They both locked in a deep embrace and induldged loving each others toungues one last time before the evening was over.

Apparently this night of kissing had set off emotions in both these women that they had never even imagined they would ever fee with the same sex. After that night my wife fantisysed what it would be like to make love in many different ways with this women. But still never imagined it to be a reality.

A few weeks later we had our friend over for some drinks, as we have done many times before. After drinks we retired to the hot tub for some relaxation. As adults it is not uncommon to go in in our birthday suits. After some time I was getting hot and went in to refresh everyones drinks. Opon returning to the hot tub I found my wife and our friend in a passonate embrace. They were a litle startled by my return and wondered how I was going to react. My instant reaction was “holly shit my wife is making out with another chick” but after I startled them my first comment to them was “don’t let me interupt”. However they did not continue their passionate kissing, because of my presence. So, I made an excuse to leave the hot tub once more and stay out a little longer this time. I went to the window and watched on as they began their kissing once more. I watched as they progresed to fondeling each other breasts and moved to sucking on their nipples. I found myself enjoying the view and thought this I have only seen in pornos. But this was like no porno I have ever seen. This was beautiful and elegant and passonate. Two people truly enjoying each other bodies for the first time. I noticed my cock getting hard just watching. So, I decide to get a closer view and returned to the hot tub and quietly climed back into the water and sat motionless watching my wife and another women pleasure each other in incredable ways with their tounges.

They finally became aware that I was back in the tub and began laughing like little school girls. This time they proceded to continue their effectionate dance of the toungues. After a while of pleasurable watching I decided to reach out and touch my wifes hand. She grasped my hand to let me know it was OK to be touching her. I moved in closer and began to suck on her tit at the same time our friend moved down and lifted my wifes pelvis out of the water and moved her body into positon to lick and suck her. I watched as my wifes eyes moved into the back of her head and the look on her face was of pure enjoyment. I watched as this beautiful women licked my wifes clit and pussy with such grace and passion for the first time.

We proceded in side after much time in the hot tub, and continued our playful antics on the living room floor infront of the fire. Only the light of the fire eluminated their two bodies as they intertwined and a sea of passoinate love making, as they took turns pleasuring eachother in ways I have never ever seen two people do before. this was much diferent then the passion between a man and a women. The intensity between the two was never ending. At one point I went to the bathroom and upon returning I watched in amazment as my wife for the first time positioned her self between her legs and began licking and sucking her shaved pussy. I would have never expected her to go this far on the first time but the passion over took the two and their was not a thing the two did not do to eachother that first night.

I realised that these two were trying to figure things out between the two of them and did not me and my guy stuff getting involved. so I was content with watching and when asked to participate I payed all of my attention to my wife and let them satisfy each other. It was nice watching two people with such pasion and love be together. I enjoyed the participation I had and I enjoyed that as we met again a few nights later the two were ready for more of my participation with the two.

My first time with another woman in 15 years was when I was fucking my wife with her girl friend on top of her. Her hand went down and grabed my cock and guided it into her friends pussy. My wife then procedded to feel my cock as I moved in and out. She told me how much it turned her on to feel me fucking someone else and knowing she was right there. We are still enjoying our thoughts and feelings towards this other women as a couple. Because of this unexpected twist in our relationship we have become more connected on a level we never knew existed. I hope you enjoyed my wifes first time with another women through my eyes. I know I did.

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