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Where it happened: 15
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Mom and me
My dad worked out of town frequently and my mom and I were often alone at home. My mom was in her 30s and was still a looker even though she had put on some weight. She had broad hips and heavy breasts. It was summer and we were sitting on the back porch, feeling the heat. My mom suggested that we cool off in the small swimming pool next to the porch and I said I would like to do that. It was already dark out so no one could see us. I got up and stripped off my shirt and shorts and got into the pool. I noticed that my mom was looking at my nakedness. She got up and stripped in front of me and got into the pool with me. It was the first time I had seen her naked in a long time and I was immediately aroused, but she could not see me because my lower body was under water. I could barely tear my eyes away from her heavy breasts, and she could see me examining her. Mom asked me if I liked what I was looking at. I replied that she was magnificent. With that she moved closer and we began to touch each other. Mom soon found my hard cock and I was feeling her up all over her body. Will, she said to me, we can amuse each other tonight, but no one must ever know about it. I could do nothing but agree. We began to kiss and she showed me how to play with each other’s tongues. I put my hands behind her and pulled her ass so that she pressed against me. My hard cock was pressed into her soft belly. Soon we decided to go into the house. She led me into the spare bedroom which had a queen size bed and stripped the covers off. We toweled off and lay down on the bed. I continued to play with her breasts and sucked on her nipples, making her sigh. After a while she urged me to get on top of her body and when I did she parted her thighs so that I was between them. Reaching down she guided my hard cock into her vagina. Mom urged me to push into her and soon I was completely imbedded in her soft wet tunnel. I began to stroke in and out. Slow down, she whispered. We fucked slowly for many minutes and gradually became excited by our illicit fornication. My mom lifted her legs and wrapped them around my back and began to urge me to go faster. She kept saying yes, yes, yes until she screamed out and held me against her with her legs. In a moment she was urging me on again until I ejaculated a load of semen into her womb. It was the greatest feeling I had ever experienced at the time. We stayed there together the entire night with the air conditioner set low so that we did not need to cover ourselves. We fucked again in the morning and thereafter whenever we needed relief.

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