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wish i waited

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: dorm room
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Okay so i lost in a typical way… i got to college and i had always drank and done stuff with guys all through high school but i wasn’t used to being around so many good lookin guys. I had pre partied really hard then gone two a 4 keg party and came home anialated. I went down to my friends room who wasn’t back yet so i went outside to smoke a cig. When i came back upstairs the guy friend who i went down to see was standing by my door. He said the guy who lived next to him told him i was lookin for him and he wanted to know what i wanted. I told him just wanted to see if he had any rolling papers and he said yes so he took me downstairs in his room which is a single. We sat in there while i rolled a joint just talking about how wasted we were then he told me the shirt i was wearing made my boobs look big. I looked up at him and laughed cause we have been friends for a few years and it was random… Oh yes my friend is from australia so when he says anything slightly provocative it sounds ten times sexier. Well anyway so i laughed and thanked him and he said will you put that down for a second so i did and he game over and kissed me deeply. I kissed back then he started laying me down on his bed so he was on top of me. WE both took off eachothers shirts and he played with my boobs for awhile and then he asked if he could take of my pants. Me being the drunk ass that i am said yes and he ate me out. I quickly returned the favor then he reached for something in his bedstand and i knew what was happening but didn’t do anything to stop it. He told me to tell him if i wanted him to stop and i didn’t say anything so he kissed me and stuck it it. It was slightly painfull but i was so drunk at the time it didn’t hurt too bad i quickly got used to it and it felt sort of good… Im glad it was with a friend of mine and everything but we were no where near being in love or anything. We actually ended up living together the next year and it was a blast he was the only guy living with 5 girls… we still hang out and occasionally do stuff and im glad that it has never been weird between us i still wish i would have waited

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