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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: her house
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

We were both 14. It started at a school dance, I really like Wren partly because of her name and partly because she was hot not super hot but still out of my leage. So anyway she left the dance in the gym and i had finally decided to ask her out now that she was alone when i finally got to the building she was in i saw that she had left the dance with another guy but i still followed them, if u asked my why now i couldn’t tell you but then I just did. They were just walking and talking and were oblivious to me and they they started making out and i decided now would be a good time to hide so i hid by one of the classroom doors. I heard her say i don’t want to have sex then he said shut up and pushed her against the wall and she fell I didn’t know what to do then he ripped her shirt off and yelled get the hell away from her then he told me to get the hell out and he stood up I don’t really remember what happened next but i remember my lip was bleeding pretty bad and the guy left. So i gave Wren my shirt she thanked me I gave her my fone to call her parents when she asked and she left. I thaught that was it and so i went home when the dance ended. After a week Wren hadn’t been back to school and i hoped she didn’t have to switch schools. That Friday or Saturday (can’t remember) I got a call from Wrens mom and asked if I could go to her house for dinner i said ok and my Mom dropped me off at their house Wrens mom came out and said something about they wanted to thank me for something i did for Wren, my mom looked at me and i shrugged not wanting to go into details and i got out of the car and followed miss.Hleo to the dinner table and we had a sort of awkward quiet dinner until Wren’s little sister begged to leave the table so Miss.Hleo let her leave when she left Miss.Hleo said thank you for stopping was about to happen to Wren I smiled and said thank you for the meal and then Miss.Hleo got a call from her husband (they’re divoriced now hence the Miss)and she had to get milk or some shit and she seamed really pissed about such a simple thing to do and she went up stairs and i heard I wanna go to very loud but not a scream then both of them left me and Wren a lone and when they left Wren turned much happier like she was fakeing being sad (when I told her I was writing this she admited she was faking but only for the last couple of days)she grabbed my wrist and pulled my up to her room she put the shirt i gave her by her door and then she pulled out a condom and pulled my pants down then she put the condom on me and she got naked really quick and i looked at her naked body and she said are you gonna fuck me or what? so I got closer to her and she said I’m a virgin so go slow I was surprised she was a virgin they way she was looking at my cock all nonchalante then I slowly entered her until i felt her hymen and whispered to her this might hurt but only for a little while then I did it fast and her face turned from skwinted in pain to relaxed and after what seemed like forever she finally climaxed then I did moments after her. We held each other close naked for over an hour and she was asleep so i put the blanket over her I got dressed and left before her mom got home and had my mom pick me up about 6 blocks from her house. We’re still dateing now for 3 years and i’m madly in love with her she also had some input on this I hope i can marry her someday.

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