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Wrong room

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Bathroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I fucked my English teacher in the bathroom. We stayed after school for tutoring with a couple other kids. When it was time to go everyone left and I asked my teacher if I could go to the bathroom and be back. He said sure so I left and I dropped all my keys and had trouble finding them. My English teacher yelling into the bathroom to ask if I was ok. I said that I just dropped my keys. He then came in and helped me look. I looked over at him and our eyes met.
We both stood up and was standing really close to eachother. I blushed, and he brush some of my hair behind my ear..
I still hadn’t gone pee.. so I really had to go. I started to feel I was going to fart, and tried my best to hold it in. Then I farted, it echoed. I know he heard it, but he had the some facial expression on. He said “Let’s go back to my room”. And then, yea.

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