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Age when it happend: Main Bedroom of the time
Where it happened: Peterborough
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

Well, let’s see despite my early interest(from 11 on I was ready and more than willing) and fairly good looks, I didnt loose it till I was 16, I regret that I was shy in my earlier years, and didnt put more effort into it, but ye can’t change time now can you?, alas I was highly intelligent from an early age which served to artificially accelerate me quite considerably in school, by 11 I was doing qualifications for 16 years olds, and within a couple of years I was attending a 16+ college which alas, was filled with 16+ lasses who weren’t interested in under-age genius kid 😀

Before I go into it itself, it should be noted I’m absolute atheist and would not have any particularly objection with the follow through of the statement all religious nutters should be shot as religions themselves constitute a mental virus, or possibly hung, drawn and quartered…, however anyone who thinks sex is only ok after marriage or within a set time frame not decided by those involved, I think qualify under that statement.

I also find religious peoples indoctrination of children into their religions and belief systems before they are old enough to decide for themselves as akin to brainwashing, if your so confident in the “truth” of your religion how about you stop indoctrinate them as children and offer them the choice after their 18, instead of forcing helpless infants to your way of thinking, how about you offer free choice instead of conceptual enslavement, as for the many messages I see here from them, keep your close minded religious dribble to yourselves you pathetic little nutcases, life is to short to waste on trying to appease an collective fantasy of a mental virus.

If such a being existed in any form(the form most likely to be theoretically possible would be a technology superior alien), would not the very enjoyment of the act signify his accent, for surely only a truly sadistic bugger, worth only of contempt would deem to create beings who are forced to renounce one of the most enjoyable things in the world at a time best suited for them to enjoy it until they conform to other niceties set by peoples who’s sole goal is to worship that beings, what kind of beings would wan’t psycophantic worship anyhow, most likely if there is a good all this praying probably made him abandon this planet long ago., not to mention such things where never any kind of commandments within at least one major religion I know of, so can be ignored by true believers as anything other then the commandments are useless.

Well now I feel I’ve answered the hated nutters, albiet in a way their likely to stupid to to understand I’ll get on with me story.

Twas walking around queensgate, with my friend of the time jamie, he had just swapped to rollie cig’s but was somewhat slow at rolling his own at the time, and couldnt do so whilst walking unlike me, so we sat down next to the little waterfountain area, whilst he rolled, i did mine in around 25 secs whilst walking towards it, so I just looked around a little.

Waltzing through I see a chick wearing a cool dragon t-shirt and a mountain of alcehmic symbal necklasses around their neck, and whilst most girls would look rediculous this one pulled it off, I figure’d I’ take a chance and walked up to her and simply said “I like your style, she gave me the once over look smiled said exactly the same thing back to me then we both wondered off”

Me and jamie went outside to smoke and suddenly approached by a small group of trendly lasses, and to my surprise the gothic chick called “Lyz” was right in the middle of them, and it seem’s her friends had convinced her to give me her number.

Late that night I was at a metal club(I reached my full height (6ft 2) by 13 so could get into pubs and so on from 12/13) twas very recently 16 at the time, I use to do pills at the time(what a 13 yr old goes to college with 16/17/18 yr old what ya think I wouldnt pick up some bad habbits! lol, intelligence doesn’t preclude human falability) so I had taken a few and got to moshing, was still up a little at the end of the night (I timed it just right so i’d be asleep by the time I’d come down so never felt any ill effects(luckily since I was 5 i’ve been simply unable to have nightmares so no chance of affecting me) so before I left I text’d her with something corny like hey, i really like you, and to my delight she txt’d back, we met up that weekend and spent some time together wondering around the ancient cathedral mostly, and at the end it ended in a kiss , I’d kissed a number of girls (1st at 12) but that was it.

We meet again later that week with same result however the 2nd however, she invited me around her house where I met her parents and saw where she lived, eventually ending up in the bedroom we talked for a while put on some music, then started making out whilst lying on her bed.

After a while of making out I decided to try to push me luck and began to run my spare hand not around her already over her body, to my delight she did not say a word even moaned a little when I touched certain area’s and we continued, after a while my hand having started from an elevated position had worked its way steadly down until it reached a certain area of note, and I decided to push my luck once again and after a few minutes of simply getting her horny but rubbing from the outside I undid her zipper and stuck my hand in her panties, all this whilst still making out with her, I slowly worked open the panties more for easier access and began dabbing on of my fingers around the relevant area, after a while I slowly began pressing that finger into her, just a little at first and then more until my finger was all the way in then I experimented with moving it around a little for various effets, all of which I felt work via our continuous kiss which aided me greatly on realizing what worked, after a while I moved my first finger ina circular motion which also ilicited a positive response and slipped slowly the a 2nd finger in, within a few minutes I had 3 in happily and decided to leave it at that, with various method’s I manage to illict a goodly number of orgasm that I both felt in her kiss and her whole body and I continued for another half an hour or so until she stopped kissing me and asked If I wanted the same, next thing I know I was receiving my first blowjob, and whilst quite capable of holding of I’d discover latest, all that excitment in addition to being the first time I’d dont anything like it meant I only lasted a couple of minutes before I cummed in her mouth. I had taken the oppertunity to feel her breasts during, and however was quite embrassed at the time at my limited endurance at the time and vowed silently to do better in future when she we went to the bathroom to clean up (to myself).

A couple of weeks and several more meetings later, but nothing so exciting yet, and she finally came around my house, we’d already planned to have sex, and I brought a condom provided from the local pub (several infact), to my pleasure she brought some to.

We both felt somewhat in a hurry but we didnt overly rush it, I did allot of kissing and touching and a bit of fingering and licking first but not to much to maximise endurance, then i played around with the tip of my penis over her vagina tracing the edges as I did with my finger, slowly entering her a fractional amount then withdrawing all whilst kissing her and staring into her eyes,(and visa-versa), after a while I slowly slid it in more and more (i was kneeling on the bed and she was spread eagled below me)

After a while when we both began to truly feel it strongly I began a sure and steady pumping which I varied in speed and intensity at various times, the actual sex part lasted around 6-7 minutes, though the overall including everything else took up a good hour, and we both quite happy at the end, again I decided my endurance needed work.

The following week we started to spend more and more time together had sex several times, each meeting, the week after I moved out of my parents place to a house with my friends, and she came around and spent the day in bed both us naked, we had sex at least 11 times, we both practically bleeding at the end, but it was magical the rest of the day we spent simply together naked appreciating them nude for once, which was odd to someone who’s worn clothesthere whole lives, it turnd out we both nympho’s and couldnt get enough we were doing it regularly 7-9 times a day, we had some unpleasant rubbing and we quite sore sometimes and still well overdid it many days but we just couldnt stop we were addicited to it and the condom’s lube (we went to the clinic together and collected a huge bag of condom’s from the nurses every week, all of whom got to know us pretty soon and found us highly entertaining due to our eager looks lol), it was one of the funnest times of my life, despite the minor discomort in a period of around 6 months we had sex over around 1500 times it was crazy mid-way through we stopped using condoms and swapped to her birth control, We’d wake up have sex, clean up have breakfast chat, have sex, play games or listen to music for a couple of hours have sex, have lunch, laze about for a while have sex, if we got bored doing whatever we did in afternoon we’d do it again, before dinner once more and one or two times more before we went to sleep.

We got engaged at one point (both 16) (she was 17 days younger then me exactly), she proposed to me, After we started not not use condoms it was more fun but started to hurt more specially with the amount we did so we soon started to use lots of lube which offset it mostly, even tried a few odd things like bondage and anal, but truthly we just loved straight sex.

after a certain point we spent less time in town and at mine and more at her’s, after 6 months I moved back in with my rents, due to the house going up for sale I was in, and our little group falling apart.

But i really barely noticed I was so wrapped up, we calmed down a little a got to around 3-4 times a day after that, we spend a further year and a half together I’ll spare you the detail we had sex literally thousands of times overall in that time we even did a double date thing where she had a gf and I went out with her to along with her, we had a relationship where she could date other women as long as I could by that point as we considered ourselves progressive and up to then it had worked well.

That 2nd girl was called Louise who was the 2nd girl I ever had sex with she was a week away from her 16th birthday at the time, and it I admit at 17 the idea of finally cheating the law even if it is really a paper distinction with a week away, was fun (in the UK sex is legal at 16, not that most wait past 12-14, i think 14 like in germany is more sensible an age limit), she was hot in her own way but somewhat disturbed mentally today you’d call her an emo but back then we didnt have such things, she was just odd, , she’d be nice if shedidnt spend so much time doing weid stuff like hurting herself and so on, our little 3 some’s whilst good didnt last long, not long after whilst I was away with my father celberating a major birthday milestone she cheatedon me behind our back.

If she was honest about it I probably would have forgiven her, we had both agreed a slightly odd arrangement with her girls me boys but I wouldnt to much begrude her exceeding it for a guy once in a while. if she told me about it

but she didnt, she said she wanted to go on a break whilst she starts new college year, till she’s use to it so she’s not distracted, and then goes off with this dude, behind my back, posting all the details on her website, worse of all he was some dude, I found whilst with her, on netgoth.org searhing for folks to hand out with, and even more terrible he was/is a god damn ugly bastard, when I was pretty damn hot by everyones account.

Alas, we broke up for good, she’s still with him, however unlike me who gave her lots of the only exercise she could ever stomach and kept her healthy, he didnt, and she’s on my facebook nowadays with a picture showing her to be the size of a small WHALE, she was hot and slim and sex when with me, now she’s a whale attached to a skinny bastard who probably never even fuck’s her hence she being so fat. Hope she’s bloody happy, on the plus side, I was spared having to constantly guide her our of her invertible decline and her true personality was revealed before we had irrevocably combined our destinies for better or for worse (you can get a divorce but that person will still be associated with you for the rest of their and your lives in many ways)

I’d had quit anything but weed when with her as I judged her personality unsuitable for the neccessary moderation required to handle them without going overboard and thought if I did it with her and she joined in she may well get herself killed, but I turned into a chainsmoker after we broke up even got a little fat myself.

Alas my longest two relatinship’s since have been around the 4 month mark, hardly ideal lots of short few weeker’s but I’ve now become allot more picky no more miss right, thank you mam, now I want miss right.

Alas all I’mm getting is miss right now’s , suppose its worse then nothing at all… I hope i find my soulmate soon but if nothing else it was fun whilst it lasted, the first girl I fell in love with the first girl I had sex with and yes it’s odd but it was the same person, I learned all thats good and bad in relationships from it, and will be better armed when I finally find someone suitable in future.

Take my advise, ignore religious nutters, they’re a by product of our ancient civilisation and indoctrinated mass of human bactiria from mental viruses created by evil geniuses and madman in our distant past, trying to gauge your morality from them or their nutty ideas is like jumping of a bulding holding a small fountain pen and wondering why the shooting the ink downwards isnt allowing you to fly.

When you want to have sex, (be safe, only fool wastes the opportunities of there freedom inherent in there early life by having a baby, the world doesn’t need more idiots, I agree condoms arent the best, but if you have sex unprotected make sure you trust the person doesnt have any diseases, check if their a slut if they are demand they be tested before you do anything without a condom, it may be less fun but damnd its a damn site more fun then receiving a death sentance or not being able to have sex with anyone not similarly infected again, before an early and unpleasant death, or many other unpleasant thing possible)

I mentioned that first because people are generally stupid and may not read the later bits of such a statemnt, and dismiss them, don’t, the only true voice of reason the only thing one should follow in this world with trust (though even that in moderation) is logic, logic is the tool of the wise, the power to understand and reasoning to use that power to acheive, and protection is only logical.

However if your a kid wanting to have sex, but your shy and dont think anyone wants your or whatever, PISH POSH, i garantee for every horny guy theres a horny girl and visa versa.

You dont have to look like a superstar just have the right things in all the right places and dont look like whale and someone will want you, don’t waste your time on this earth being shy use that brain of yours to find someone suitable and fuck their brains out if you want to, the first time is only really important if you bloody well wait, in my opinion as soon as you want to you should, gives you more practise forlater, you dont need love of sex, and the first time you have sex, truly isnt special you might remember it but truthly you wont remember it nearly as fondly as the time you first had sex RIGHT, and that dont happen till you get use to sex.

And no first time dont use a condom if you find someone you trust, and dont worry about getting pregnant easiest way is to just go down to clinic get a morning after pill you can actually use it up to 48 hours after the deed (2 days) so worry about if you want to.

Be safe, but do enjoy yourself, fuck age laws and fuck everyone elses opinion you do want you want when you want to, first time aint so special it needs a god and if you enjoy yourself why should you regret anything for idealistic ideal of initially perfection a near certain disappointment and a cast over from the days of religious nutters who ruled the world and burned those showing independence and scientific thought at the stake, true matry’s of your current freedom, don’t belittle their memory and use the choice you’ve been given for yourself not for others this goes both ways, if you dont want to do think cos everyone else is do it, everyone else a hundred years ago thought women’s brains were like leaky siv’s unable to fill up the same as man’s, they couldn’t vote and thought colour’d people as barely human and worthy of for the most part contempt as being beneath white’s.

You want to be there’s plenty of things they think today we’ll be similarly disgusted with in future?, you really want to conform to the majority of that kind of pond scum do ya? well if you do your a bloody idiot, the only things in this life one truly can possess is honour, choice and logic, make your own decisions, but bear in mind actions have consequences, so use logic to navigate them and all in all enjoy life you only get it once, so dont worry so much. 😀

PS. DIE nutters DIE!!!! 😀

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