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YA whoooo

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Back seat of my car
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Was dating this girl that was 15. A farm girl who had already experienced far more than I. After the drive-in movie was over we headed out into the boondocks for a little playtime. I was so scared when we passed 2nd base, I had this real thing about not getting a girl pregnant that I put on TWO rubbers. You heard me right 2 of them suckers, I wasn’t gettin no body pregnant. Well, I couldn’t hardly feel a thing, I lasted so long that she thought I was the next best thing to a shopping spree… After that I got these funny looks from the girls at school, sometimes even a wink.

That was my first time. Didn’t feel much, She was happy…

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