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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: mams bedroom
Langauge: ENGLISH
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

okay well me and my boyfriend was thinking of having sex but i wasnt sure at de time so one nite i felt like it was tym so i rang him up to come to my house ya see mi ma was out for de weekend drinking nd and smoking herreoin with mi step dad mike fucking cunt hate him!!when he came round i was lying on de couch in de sitting room we started kissing and he started figering me and i wanked him till he was hard he took my hand off nd put my head down nd made me give him head after a while we went up to mi mas room cuz mine was gettin painting…he pulled my pants down and throw me on de bed and we started it and it was so painful but i enjoyed it after a while few hours later my mam walked in on us having SEX u see we didnt no she b back so soon but yolo was goin to my mind at de time nw i am 21 years and have a kid so listen to me dont HAVE SEX xxxx 🙂

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