Where it happened: Her house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
I’ve always to share my experience on this site. The things i’ve read have been real interesting. Whether they be true or not, or their choice or not, I am not here to judge. My story however will come at a later time.
In response to the lady writing her experience within entry 17512, I am truly sorry. I wish that your experience would’ve been with a better person who trully cared about you. I know that in today’s society it is hard to find that one person that you can trully relate to, but I know that in time your knight-in-shining-armor will come. I wish what happened didn’t happen to you and it was of good fortune that he was sent to jail.
I am disappointed however at your last couple of sentences. I hope that with time, you’ve stopped writing him and forget him. He is of bad influence to you and I know that you deserve to be treated better. I also hope that you tell your story to younger girls. I encourage you so that they can learn and also help you heal.
Although its been a while since you’ve posted and although the chances of you reading this is slim, I really hope that my message not only gets to you but to other young girls out there. Just keep going girls, its a wonderful thing to wait, and that if you’d really like to have sex, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE choose carefully and make sure to think. If you don’t feel comfortable at all, it’s never too late to say NO.
Thank you for listening