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you seem to like it when i touch you there..

Age when it happend: 8
Where it happened: at school in sum bushes
Langauge: Englsih
Sex: Female
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

K well one of my first times i had sexual experience. I was at school very young only like 8 and so was he and one day at break we where in a secluded part of the playground hidden from every one. So we got to talking bout boys and girls different parts and if we had ever seen them. We both hadnt and decided to. So I pulled my pants all the way down and he walked over and started fingerin it like crazy even though i was young i still got wet i even think i cam. After a little while he pulled down his pants and had a massive erection ( for an 8 year old) he said there look at that. I was mesmerized by his dick and got even wetter. I suddenyl remeberd what i had been told that these two things were for. I moved over too him and grabbed at his dick i said quick put it in me. But he had no idea what i was talking about. He then said u seemed to like me touching you there and i agreed and he began to finger me again. He then grabbed some sort of flower and rubbed my clit gently with it while he fingerd me and i cam again. Then the bell rang we went back to class and now he has moved away. im 18 now ohh those were the days.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience