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Age when it happend: 20
Where it happened: In his house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

I was trying to save myself… not for marriage, but for the right person. I was at the point where everyone was telling me that it wasn’t worth the wait and I should just lose it. The sad part is, I was starting to believe it. I was still young but I felt like everyone around me was experiencing something wonderful that I just didn’t get. So I finally decided to just go for it. But then I met this guy. He was sweet and respectful and was just about the only person I ever dated who didn’t even suggest we do anything sexual, never mind pressure me to do something I didn’t feel comfortable with. And that’s how I knew he was my right person. We had been dating for about six months and one day, he decided to take me home with him (which I came to find out later is a huge deal because he never brought a girl home before). We were sitting on his bed and got to talking and he was much more experienced than I, but that wasn’t hard to be considering my virgin status. Suddenly I found myself on top of him and kissing him like I never had before. All I had to do was look into his eyes and he knew. He stared back at me and asked if I was sure, I just nodded and he slowly started to slip off my clothes, kissing me gently everywhere he could and running his hands lightly across my skin. I was so nervous, but oddly comforted by every look he gave me as if to ask if I was still okay with the whole thing. Then it was his turn, he tore off his clothes rather quickly to reveal the most perfect body I had ever seen. From head to toe I couldn’t find a single flaw. He had huge muscular arms and legs, sculpted pecs, perfectly defined abs and the largest one I had ever seen (being a virgin I had to satisfy myself somehow so I was a fan of porn, and trust me, the guys in those films had NOTHING on this man). He slowly lowered his body onto mine and with one breath I took him inside me. It was the greatest feeling I had ever experienced. He just rocked gently in and out of me until I exploded, moments later he followed. I asked how he timed that so perfectly and he said that he knew it wouldn’t take much for him to feel good, it was a matter of just holding off until he could satisfy me, because he wanted my first time to be memorable. And oh was it ever! So much so that I kept going back for more. That was three years ago, and I still haven’t let him go. As a matter of fact, now we’re engaged.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience